What to Expect from Working with a Haven Home Birth Midwife

A headshot of Lauren Drees, owner, founder, and head certified nurse midwife of Haven Birth and Wellness.
Lauren Drees
October 22, 2024
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At Haven Birth and Wellness, our mission is to provide personalized, holistic care that supports you and your family through the journey of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

When you choose to work with a Haven home birth midwife, you’re choosing a relationship-based approach that puts you at the center. From your first visit through postpartum care, we’re here to ensure you feel supported, empowered, and well-prepared for your home birth experience.

But what does that experience look like practically? Let’s walk through a typical example of working with Haven’s home birth midwives so you’ll know exactly what to expect.

Working With a Haven Home Birth Midwife

Haven is a home birth practice made up of a small, dedicated team of five certified nurse-midwives. During your pregnancy, you get to know all our midwives so you’re comfortable with the entire team and each one knows you and your story. This close relationship enables us to care for you in a much richer, more tailored way than a traditional medical practice.

Our home birth midwives provide a personalized, family-centered approach to pregnancy, labor, and postpartum care. We focus on supporting the natural birthing process and empowering the mother throughout her journey.

Prenatal Care With Haven Home Birth Midwives

At Haven, we believe in prioritizing you and your relationship with our home birth midwives. Consequently, you can expect longer appointment times than in a traditional medical model and a more relationship-based, collaborative experience.

For instance, your first appointment in our office will last at least an hour, making space for conversation, questions, and getting to know one another. Subsequent appointments usually last around 30 minutes, depending on the need. You also have 24/7 access to our midwives throughout your pregnancy via phone, messenger, and email should you have any questions or concerns.

For a look at appointment frequency and what types of tests Haven offers, we’ll outline a typical schedule below (though, of course, tests and scheduling can be adjusted according to your needs and preferences).

10–12 Weeks: First Prenatal Appointment

At your first prenatal appointment, we’ll run your blood work and a urine test, both of which can be submitted to most insurance providers.

20 Weeks: Ultrasound

Ultrasounds are one of the only aspects of care that doesn’t take place in our office or at your home. Around 20 weeks, we send you to one of our preferred ultrasound providers in the Nashville area to ensure your baby is growing and developing well and to check the position of the placenta. Your ultrasound can also usually be submitted through insurance.

Monthly Check-Ins

After your ultrasound, you’ll come in roughly once a month to talk about how you’re feeling, new developments, and anything else you feel you should share with us. We care about medical elements, of course, but also about your nutrition, sleep, stress, movement, home life, and all other lifestyle factors that contribute to a healthy pregnancy, labor, and birth.

28 Weeks: Further Labs

Around 28 weeks, we offer a glucose check using the “Fresh Test,” a cleaner, organic alternative to the traditional glucose test with a minty lemonade taste. We also check your iron levels and any other items that require follow up.

36 Weeks: Home Visit

Leading up to your first home visit, we discuss a few items for you to gather for the big day, and we supply a birth kit with helpful disposable items for after the birth.

During the home visit, we talk more in-depth about your vision for your birth in your space and discuss details of what will be involved during your birth.

Weekly Visits Until Birth

After your home visit, you’ll visit the office weekly until you birth. We’ll continue to support you at every step, answering questions, talking through fears, and sharing excitement as you prepare to meet your sweet baby.

Labor and Birth With a Haven Home Birth Midwife

When labor starts, you’ll reach out to our on-call midwife to let her know. With your first baby, it’s common for us to touch base several times over the phone before coming to your home. If you have a doula, they’ll likely join you earlier during labor for additional support. We aim to arrive when you’re in active labor, ready to provide that extra layer of care.

A registered nurse accompanies us to assist at every birth. The nurse typically arrives a bit later, closer to the birth, depending on how your labor is progressing. We come prepared with all the equipment we might need, including medical supplies like oxygen and neonatal resuscitation gear, though our goal is to intervene as little as possible.

Once you’re in labor, you have the freedom to move, eat, drink, and find the positions that work best for you. If you’ve chosen to have a water birth, we’ll assist you in your bathtub or borrowed inflatable birth tub. We monitor your baby’s heart rate at specific intervals using a handheld, waterproof Doppler. This can be done whether you’re in the tub, shower, or any position of your choice. We keep vaginal exams to a minimum unless there’s a specific need to check your progress; if a need does arise, we discuss it with you and never move forward without your consent.

Graphic: What to Expect from Working With a Haven Home Birth Midwife

One of the beautiful things about working with our home birth midwives is that you’re inviting us into your home, your space. You’re not coming into our space, where you might feel pressured to do what we say. Every decision is up to you; you’re in control of your birth experience.

Post Birth Care: Rest and Bonding

After your baby is born, we focus on keeping that precious first hour as uninterrupted as possible. Your baby goes directly into your arms for immediate skin-to-skin bonding. Though we continue to monitor both of you, it’s done in a way that allows you to savor those first moments together.

We handle all cleanup, including tidying up the birth area, draining the tub if you had a water birth, and even doing any laundry needed from the birth. Our goal is to make sure that when we leave, your home feels peaceful and ready for you to focus on your new family.

We stay with you for about three to four hours after the birth, making sure both you and your baby are stable and transitioning well. We help you start nursing, ensure you’re eating and drinking, and check that you’re able to use the restroom. If you need stitches for a tear, we can do that at home with local anesthesia to keep you comfortable.

Ongoing Postpartum Care With a Home Birth Midwife

One benefit of using a Haven home birth midwife is that her support doesn’t end after the birth. We return to your home within 24 to 36 hours for a follow-up visit, checking on you and your baby’s health. This visit includes a newborn screening, heart and metabolic tests, and checking with you on how breastfeeding is going. We also assess your physical recovery, your bleeding, and how you’re feeling emotionally.

Around one to two weeks postpartum, we visit again to continue supporting you, especially around breastfeeding and your own recovery. Our final postpartum visit takes place at six weeks in our office, wrapping up your care with us. Throughout this period, we’re always just a phone call or message away if you have questions or concerns.

Handling the Unexpected

While Haven home birth midwives aim for every birth to take place safely in the home, we bring the medications and equipment necessary to address unexpected situations. Transfers to the hospital are rare, and emergency transfers are even rarer. If a transfer to the hospital becomes necessary, however, we go right along with you to continue providing support, such as ensuring smooth communication and facilitating the transfer of care.

Working With a Haven Home Birth Midwife: Final Thoughts

At Haven, home birth is more than just where you birth — it’s about how you feel, the care you receive, and the choices that are yours to make. We believe that birth is a natural process that works best when a woman feels safe, supported, and in control. That’s why our care is tailored to your needs and preferences, putting you at the center of all we do.

Quote: What to Expect from Working With a Haven Home Birth Midwife

Our home birth midwives work with you as a team to reach your goals and to welcome your baby into the safety and comfort of your home. While your midwife might provide recommendations, you’ll make all decisions together. You’re in control; we’re there to support you.


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A headshot of Lauren Drees, owner, founder, and head certified nurse midwife of Haven Birth and Wellness.
Lauren Drees, CNM, MSN

Lauren Drees is a Certified Nurse Midwife and the founder of Haven Birth and Wellness. With over a decade of experience and having attended more than 1,000 births, Lauren is dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized care to women throughout their pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

Disclaimer: The content on the Haven Birth and Wellness website is created and/or reviewed by qualified Certified Nurse Midwives and healthcare professionals. We strive to provide accurate and detailed information for our readers. However, this blog is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Your own healthcare provider is best equipped to understand your unique situation and medical history. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any decisions that may affect your health.